C# the use of ref keyword

In C# when using the ref keyword it causes an argument to be passed by reference, not by value. In…

C# tip: Use Path Combine for file or directory path information

.NET provides in its System.IO namespace the Path class which performs operations on String instances that contain file or directory…

Documentation comment your C# code use GhostDoc at least

Recently have been going through some old code to review the comments in them from other developers and what I…

LINQ tip – Ordering collection using existing array/collection using OrderBy

Here is a LINQ tip where you may wish to order a collection with an existing ordering of another collection.…

C# tip – Marking method or class as Obsolete/Deprecated

Obsolete or Deprecated? How do you mark a class or method as deprecated/obsolete? By using the Obsolete attribute [crayon-67b8c24d5b0c9898808255/]

C# Null Coalescing Operator

The ?? operator is called the null coalescing operator. It is used for providing a default value for Nullable types…

C# tip property with different accessibility scopes

In C# you can have property with different scope (property accessors). Properties in C# can be marked as public, private,…

C# optional parameters

C# 4.0 allows one to use named and optional parameters. Example: [crayon-67b8c24d5b4cd955226894/] One can call the method in multiple ways…

The using statement in C#

The using statement in C# is a form of shortcut for try and finally block of code. Things to note…

I refuse to answer your stupid singleton question in interview

In interviews there is always the Singleton question, I personally refuse to answer it on interview. The reason is very…