Stop yelling at the lettuce for not growing – Software Teams

I remember watching a talk on infoq by Michael Feathers. He said something about growing your software teams organically like…

C# Perf improvement data types or using Linq is faster?

Recently I was asked a simple code to improve the performance, and at first I couldn't see it but as…

Ubunutu 12.10 installing Scala 2.10 and Play Framework 2.1.0

First one has to get their java working. To install java [crayon-67b8ff84cc6e7050730047/] Once java is installed we will install scala,…

Using LINQ to refactoring code into single responsibility principle SRP

Was going through some legacy code recently and found a big for loop that had multiple switch statement inside. So…

Using Linq to refactor code

Here is some poorly written code that I had to review today and modify (i.e refactor). I have removed the…

C# detect inuktitut characters Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics

Here is a quick way to detect if a text is in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabic in C#. It is just…

Eclipse Indigo hangs on splash screen workspace

So today I came in to work and saw that my wonderful windows machine was restarted due to Windows Update,…

Driving Technical Change Book Review

Have wanted to post the review of this book for a while, which I read somewhere beginning of this year.…

JRuby install and build eventmachine from github

Have been giving eventmachine a try but I do have issues with it thus wanted to try out the beta…

goliath ERROR: While executing gem … (NameError) uninitialized constant Psych::Syck

What the ???? goliath ERROR: While executing gem. I was wanting to try out goliath.io (Goliath: Non-blocking, Ruby 1.9 Web…