Automapper: Mapping objects Part 6 of 7 (CustomFormatter)


In this part I will show how we can use a customer value formatter (CustomFormatter) to format our mapped data into single “Number of Order:” and plural “Number of Orders:”.

First the Domain and Dto (data transfer object)

public class Order
        public string OrderNo { get; set; }
        public Customer Customer { get; set;  }
        public DateTime PurchaseDate { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable LineItems { get; set; }
        public bool ShipToHomeAddress { get; set; }
        public decimal GetTotal()
            return LineItems == null ? 0 : LineItems.Sum(x => x.GetTotalPrice());
        public Guid InternalId { get; set; }

public class NumberOfOrderDto
        public string CustomerName { get; set; }
        public string NumberOfOrders { get; set; }

Now we will introduce a CustomResolver and Formatter, for the Formatter we are inheriting from IValueFormatter

public class CustomOrderCount: ValueResolver
        protected override int ResolveCore(Order source)
            return source.LineItems.Count();

public class FormatOrderCount: IValueFormatter
        public string FormatValue(ResolutionContext context)
            int num = (int)context.SourceValue;

            if (num 

For our mapping code we will use a block for options, so that after resolving the value, it would format it.

public ActionResult NumberOfOrders()
            var orders = _respository.GetAll();

            orders.First().LineItems = new List();

                .ForMember(dest => dest.NumberOfOrders, opt =>

            var model = Mapper.Map, IEnumerable>(orders);

            return View(model);



@foreach (var order in Model) {



From the view we can see that the first order is displaying Order rather than Orders.

In the last part of the series I will show how to move all your mapping code to startup, so that it would speed things up.

Previous Post
Part 1 (NullSubsitution)
Part 2 (Flattening by Convention)
Part 3 (Nested Mapping)
Part 4 (Projection)
Part 5 (CustomResolver)

Categories: .NET Automapper
Taswar Bhatti:
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