Cannot find SQL Management Studio after install of SQL2005


So was just in the process of installing SQL2005 on one of our VM to test some stuff. Guess what install went great with Client Tools selected, but unfortunately SQL Management Studio doesn’t get installed??? Why ohhh why?
I cannot find SQL Management Studio after install of SQL2005

So anyways, the solution is quite simple don’t use the installer again, simply go into the CD Drive:  Tools\Setup Directory

and launch SqlRun_Tools.msi and remember to click on client tools and check the tree if everything is selected and then click on install. Then viola you will have SQL Server Management Studio.

Categories: Misc
Taswar Bhatti:

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  • So anyways, the solution is quite simple don’t use the installer again, simply go into the CD Drive: Tools\Setup Directory

    and launch SqlRun_Tools.msi and remember to click on client tools and check the tree if everything is selected and then click on install. Then viola you will have SQL Server Management Studio.
    Thanks but how do I find all of this?

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