Jade Node.js Template Engine

Jade Node.js Template Engine is a templating language for node.js, it provides an alternative syntax to write your HTML, some…

Bower: How to create and register your own packages

Continuing on our previous blog post on bower, in this blog post, I will talk about how to create your…

Bower the package manager for web front-end

My last blog post was about using bower in node.js express application Visual Studio, and I believe I did not…

Bower package manager for Node.js Tools Visual Studio

In my previous post I have shown how to create an express app with node.js and in this post, I…

jQuery: JavaScript locale sorting plugin

I recently had to do work on localeCompare in JavaScript and though I would write a plugin in JQuery and…

Visual Studio Node.js express with Twitter Bootstrap

Here is a quick little tutorial of using Twitter Bootstrap with Node.js express in Visual Studio. First we will create…

C# tip: How to count values of Dictionary that contain List using Linq

Here is a quick C# tip of counting up values of a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> where the values contains a List<T>…

Visual Studio Node.js, creating express applications

Here is a simple walk through of creating a express application with node.js using Visual Studio (NTVS). First lets launch…

Using NDepend to Analyze Quality of your Code

Disclaimer : My license for NDepend was provided for free by Patrick Smacchia at NDepend. The article below is based…

Microsoft Most Valueable – mvp Professional 2014

So today I received MVP award for C# 2014 :) You can expect more from me this year on talks…