Numerical Types in Rust with VSCode

I wanted to talk about basic types in Rust. Lets begin with Numerical Types in Rust, since Rust is a…

Functions in Rust with VSCode

Continuting on from where we left off, in this post I will refactor my code to use a function such…

Capturing User Input in Rust with VSCode

In this post we are going to take our baby steps in learning Rust and the simple example of a…

Writing and Running Intergration Tests with Rust in VSCode

In this post I will go over how to write Unit test for your Rust application. We will continue with…

Learning Rust with VSCode

I recently started to look into Rust and found it quite interesting and fun to work with, reminded me of…

Using AWS CDK to create IAM roles with C#

In this section we will talk about Identity and Access Management - IAM in short. I will show you an…

Using AWS CDK Parameter Store with C#

In this section we will talk about Parameter Store what it is and why we would want to use it?…

Using AWS CDK to create RDS Database Instance with C#

Now that we have learned how to create a VPC with C# using AWS CDK, let's talk about how do…

Using AWS CDK to create a VPC in C#

I wanted to start a series of how to use AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to create infrastructure on Amazon.…

Setup Brother 1110 Printer on Raspberry Pi as Network Printer

I had this printer which is not a wifi built-in printer but nevertheless its a laser printer and I wanted…