JRuby install and build eventmachine from github


Have been giving eventmachine a try but I do have issues with it thus wanted to try out the beta version on github.

Here is how you get it to install on your local machine.
– First clone the repo
– Build the gem
– Install the java version

$ git clone git://github.com/eventmachine/eventmachine
$ cd eventmachine
$ jruby -S gem build eventmachine.gemspec
In this step you might be missing some gems, I was missing yard and rake-compiler
$ jruby -S gem install yard
$ jruby -S gem install rake-compiler
$ /c/jruby-1.6.4/bin/rake java gem
 Once the build is done use the pkg version
$ jruby -S gem install pkg/eventmachine-1.0.0.beta-4.java.gem
Categories: ruby
Taswar Bhatti: