Learn to love the JavaScript falsy conditions


Here is a quick tip for JavaScript falsy conditions for programmers or for people who come from Java or C#.

In Java and C# when we thinks of using a compare conditions in a if statements, we tend to use something along the line of:

if(val != null && val.length > 0) {
  //do stuff

We tend to bring this baggage of knowledge to JavaScript also, but it is not necessary. In JavaScript one can simply use the conditionals as below.

if(val) {
 //do something

Here is a table that will show you what could be the values of val that would translate to false.

Type Result
Undefined false
Null False
String if length == 0, false
Object true
Number if NAN or 0, false

Here is some sample code if you wish to test out falsy in JavaScript.

function testFalsy(val) {
  if(val) {
  } else {

testFalsy(true); // Output: True

testFalsy({}); // Output: True

testFalsy([]); // Output: True

testFalsy("hello world"); // Output: True

testFalsy(3.14); // Output: True

testFalsy(new Date()); // Output: True

testFalsy(false); // Output: Falsy

testFalsy(null); // Output: Falsy

testFalsy(undefined); // Output: Falsy

testFalsy(NaN); // Output: Falsy

testFalsy(0); // Output: Falsy

logTruthiness(""); // Output: Falsy

Learning these fundamental idioms in JavaScript allows one to write cleaner Javascript code.

Categories: javascript
Taswar Bhatti:
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