Using Hashicorp Vault for NodeJS application to store secrets


To continue on with our previous blog post, I will introduce Hashicorp Vault as a key management to manage our secrets for our Nodejs weather application.

Installing Vault

I will use docker to pull the docker image from dockerhub.


One can also download Vault for their OS at (https://www.vaultproject.io/downloads.html)

Now that I have vault image pulled, I will create a docker compose file for Vault to use mysql as a back-end store. I can also run Vault in dev mode but if I enable dev mode then Vault runs entirely in-memory and starts unsealed with a single unseal key. I wanted to show more of a real life scenario of starting Vault.

First thing I will create couple of directory and files that I will store some configuration into.

$mkdir myvault
$cd myvault
$mkdir config
$mkdir policies
$mkdir log
$mkdir data

Now that we have a directory we can create a docker-compose.yml file inside of the myvault directory. I assume you already have mysql image, if not you call pull the image from dockerhub.

version: '2.1'

     image: mysql:5.7
       - "./data/db/mysql:/var/lib/mysql"
     restart: always
     container_name: vault_db
      - "3306:3306"
       MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: vaultysalty
       MYSQL_DATABASE: vault
       MYSQL_USER: vault
       MYSQL_PASSWORD: vault
      test: ["CMD", "mysql" ,"-h", "", "-P", "3306", "-u", "vault", "-pvault", "-e", "SELECT 1", "vault"]
      interval: 1s
      timeout: 3s
      retries: 30
      image: vault:latest
      container_name: vaultserver
          condition: service_healthy
        - "db:db"
      hostname: "vault"
      restart: unless-stopped
       - ./config:/config
       - ./policies:/policies
       - ./log:/vault/log
        - "8200:8200"
        vault server -config=/config/config.hcl    

Before we fire up vault, here is the content of the config.hcl file, located right in the config folder we just created. This will configure Vault with the storage options and listen on port 8200

disable_mlock = true
storage "mysql" {
  address = "vault_db:3306"
  username = "vault"
  password = "vault"
  database = "vault"

listener "tcp" {
  address = ""
  tls_disable = 1  

Running Vault

Use the docker compose file and run the following command to bring up Vault

$docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up
If you mess up you can always run $docker-compose rm to remove the created containers.

Testing our installation

Now that we have Vault configured and running, we now need to initialize Vault. Vault uses Shamir Secret Sharing Technique for initializing the key to use for Vault. Which takes multiple keys and combines into one single master key.


Unseal Vault

We will use the operator init method to call Vault to initialize.

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault operator init -address=
Unseal Key 1: mlgrUf7haKzHa4cXowW9xzpgNgdLTxQFyGcbkM5GHUXe
Unseal Key 2: g36z3655F5nsgeA77BV/IR/0Wh3ILsnz5t95kdkZlHxr
Unseal Key 3: TCqgtNLPTORMYf+/ws5AC2T87G8T0x7rSLbHr5zIWSHm
Unseal Key 4: e45okHN/tiByFuMl+Z/GvRjU83b5cHJZF5lu9Bns3UOh
Unseal Key 5: KKwrICvPLRnNgGr7fmQMZCII3XxXbNY7mfMZJjJILX82

Initial Root Token: 5mEKu64nAk1PA5luVQHRmGLM

Vault initialized with 5 key shares and a key threshold of 3. Please securely
distribute the key shares printed above. When the Vault is re-sealed,
restarted, or stopped, you must supply at least 3 of these keys to unseal it
before it can start servicing requests.

Vault does not store the generated master key. Without at least 3 key to
reconstruct the master key, Vault will remain permanently sealed!

It is possible to generate new unseal keys, provided you have a quorum of
existing unseal keys shares. See "vault operator rekey" for more information.

As we can see it showed us some of the keys we need to use to unseal the Vault. So let unseal it so that we can use it. We will need to unseal the vault with the command 3 times using different keys each time for it, I have skipped the first one.

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault operator unseal -address= e45okHN/tiByFuMl+Z/GvRjU83b5cHJZF5lu9Bns3UOh
Key                Value
---                -----
Seal Type          shamir
Initialized        true
Sealed             true
Total Shares       5
Threshold          3
Unseal Progress    2/3
Unseal Nonce       9b51593c-3f01-76d6-216f-4cad41004898
Version            0.11.5
HA Enabled         false

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault operator unseal -address= KKwrICvPLRnNgGr7fmQMZCII3XxXbNY7mfMZJjJILX82
Key             Value
---             -----
Seal Type       shamir
Initialized     true
Sealed          false
Total Shares    5
Threshold       3
Version         0.11.5
Cluster Name    vault-cluster-664f96d2
Cluster ID      779cf699-e8c2-910a-0c91-f0a84ac93416
HA Enabled      false

Now we can use the Vault to write data to, first we need to auth with root token which was given to us when we started the Vault with the keys. My test envirnoment key was “5mEKu64nAk1PA5luVQHRmGLM”. Lets try to auth/login and also write and read something to Vault to store.

#Lets login to vault
> docker exec -it vaultserver vault login -address= 5mEKu64nAk1PA5luVQHRmGLM
Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.

Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                5mEKu64nAk1PA5luVQHRmGLM
token_accessor       5jbd0wWj84cViLkKeoNrzsj4
token_duration       ∞
token_renewable      false
token_policies       ["root"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["root"]

#Lets write to vault to store a secret
> docker exec -it vaultserver vault write -address= secret/hello value=world
Success! Data written to: secret/hello

#Lets read from vault our secret
> docker exec -it vaultserver vault read -address= secret/hello
Key                 Value
---                 -----
refresh_interval    768h
value               world

We can now also create a sample.json config file that a new Microservice can consume I have placed it in config folder since it was already mounted (note the file is in 1 line)

{ "domain": "www.example.com", "mongodb": { "host": "localhost", "port": 27017}, "mysql": "server=localhost;userid=myms_user;password=kjbgo4eFSzcHYyGf;persistsecurityinfo=True;port=32786;database=mymicroservicedb"}

We can load the sample json data into Vault by using this command.

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault write -address= secret/weatherapp/config "@/config/sample.json"
Success! Data written to: secret/weatherapp/config
I am using the weatherapp as a example above

We will most probably also create a policy file so that we can limit the access to this secret, this will be inside the policies directory

path "secret/weatherapp/*" {
  policy = "read"

In order to load the policy into Vault we will use the command to load the policy in

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault policy write -address=  weatherapp policies/policy.hcl
Success! Uploaded policy: weatherapp

Now policy is in, lets test out Vault to read some of they values we just added.

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault read -address= secret/weatherapp/config
Key                 Value
---                 -----
refresh_interval    768h
domain              www.example.com
mongodb             map[host:localhost port:27017]
mysql               server=localhost;userid=myms_user;password=kjbgo4eFSzcHYyGf;persistsecurityinfo=True;port=32786;database=weatherappdb
Above we have just used the root token to read but at least we know we can get the data

Wrap Token

Vault has a nice feature called wrap token, where you can give a limited amount of time to a token which one can use to access Vault. Lets try to create one for us.

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault read -wrap-ttl=60s -address= secret/weatherapp/config       
Key                              Value                                                                               
---                              -----                                                                               
wrapping_token:                  lYO2AoJ95QEDnZgUbNxoWWsw                                                            
wrapping_accessor:               5sRYcEaWMeWPWNXRCRcRLYg3                                                            
wrapping_token_ttl:              1m                                                                                  
wrapping_token_creation_time:    2018-12-05 14:35:27.9383976 +0000 UTC                                               
wrapping_token_creation_path:    secret/weatherapp/config                                                            

We can use the wrap token above “lYO2AoJ95QEDnZgUbNxoWWsw ” to read the data now, and it is only valid for 60 seconds.

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault unwrap -address= lYO2AoJ95QEDnZgUbNxoWWsw
Key                 Value
---                 -----
refresh_interval    768h
domain              www.example.com
mongodb             map[host:localhost port:27017]
mysql               server=localhost;userid=myms_user;password=kjbgo4eFSzcHYyGf;persistsecurityinfo=True;port=32786;database=weatherappdb

If we try to use another token of if the token is already used we will get an error like below.

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault unwrap -address= 8rVXefosA13JfYsPyzkbkEXY
Error unwrapping: Error making API request.

Code: 400. Errors:

* wrapping token is not valid or does not exist

App Roles and Secrets

Now that we have learned something about Wrap tokens of how to create and use them, I wanted to switch gear and talk about App Roles and Secrets. Vault provides app roles for you application to login to the system. This is definitely not the best security option out there since its just a like a basic authentication with username and password, but when we use wrap token with it we can mitigate some of the security concerns.

There are better options out there using kubernetes to authenticate for you app etc I will try to cover those later in another blog post

Lets create us an approle for our weather app, and get the roleid that we can use for our application.

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault auth enable -address= approle
Success! Enabled approle auth method at: approle/

#create the user weatherrole
> docker exec -it vaultserver vault write -address= auth/approle/role/weatherrole secret_id_ttl=10m token_num_uses=10 token_ttl=20m token_max_ttl=30m secret_id_num_uses=40 policies=weatherapp
Success! Data written to: auth/approle/role/weatherrole

#Get the roleid
> docker exec -it vaultserver vault read -address= auth/approle/role/weatherrole/role-id
Key        Value
---        -----
role_id    27f8905d-ec50-26ec-b2da-69dacf44b5b8

Sample Application

Now that we have the roleid we now need a secret in order for our application to login to Vault and get its secrets. Rather than just giving the secret to our application we will give it a wrap token to get the secret since we can time limit the amount of time the token is allowed to live, thus mitigating the risk of exposing the secret. The sample code below is using the env variable and the wrap token to get its secret.

//get the wrap token from passed in parameter
var wrap_token = process.argv[2];
    console.error("No wrap token, enter token as argument");
var options = {
    apiVersion: 'v1', // default
    endpoint: '',
    token: wrap_token //wrap token
console.log("Token being used " + process.argv[2]);
// get new instance of the client
var vault = require("node-vault")(options);
//role that you are using
const roleId = '27f8905d-ec50-26ec-b2da-69dacf44b5b8';
//using the wrap token to unwrap and get the secret
vault.unwrap().then((result) => {
      var secretId = result.data.secret_id;
      console.log("Your secret id is " + result.data.secret_id);
      //login with approleLogin
      vault.approleLogin({ role_id: roleId, secret_id: secretId }).then((login_result) => {       
        var client_token = login_result.auth.client_token;
        console.log("Using client token to login " + client_token);
        var client_options = {
            apiVersion: 'v1', // default
            endpoint: '',
            token: client_token //client token
        var client_vault = require("node-vault")(client_options);
        client_vault.read('secret/weatherapp/config').then((read_result) => {
I am using node-vault, you can install node-vault by > npm install node-vault

In the above code we can see that we have hard coded the roleid into our code, but we mitigated the risk of someone stealing our docker env variable by having a limited time to live for the wrap token to authenticate and get our secrets from Vault. The command to generate the wrap token is below.

> docker exec -it vaultserver vault write -wrap-ttl=2m -address= -f auth/approle/role/weatherrole/secret-id
Key                              Value
---                              -----
wrapping_token:                  8LEZFOxTBNKpjoYaAtcBwS7v
wrapping_accessor:               3cE1v6pDt9b5BVPfVbv5Ql8e
wrapping_token_ttl:              2m
wrapping_token_creation_time:    2018-12-07 15:41:42.6447706 +0000 UTC
wrapping_token_creation_path:    auth/approle/role/weatherrole/secret-id

When we run the code we would do something like, with the third parameter being the wrap token.

> nodejs app.js 8LEZFOxTBNKpjoYaAtcBwS7v
Token being used 8LEZFOxTBNKpjoYaAtcBwS7v
Your secret id is c8894b1e-2d4f-9249-426d-caeef465a812
Using client token to login 1YQ4fQR2XtjivdQE1rjIqRNj
{ request_id: '630114b4-8c98-0a2c-8313-bf4dd1a68b34',
  lease_id: '',
  renewable: false,
  lease_duration: 2764800,
   { domain: 'www.example.com',
     mongodb: { host: 'localhost', port: 27017 },
     mysql: 'server=localhost;userid=myms_user;password=kjbgo4eFSzcHYyGf;persistsecurityinfo=True;port=32786;database=weatherappdb' },
  wrap_info: null,
  warnings: null,
  auth: null }

If we try to reuse the wrap token we will get an error.

Token being used g5J0e9zOFmThqKDgBiHofbh4
{ Error: wrapping token is not valid or does not exist................


We have covered using roleid and secret using Vault to authenticate and get our application secrets. There is definitely a down side to this, but we mitigated the risk by having a short time for the wrap token to live. There is also the option of having the wrap token mounted as a volume for your application and pick it up from the volume that was mounted. I will cover those topics in a later blog post.

  • Even with docker inspect we are only are able to see the token which is last with a TTL and is a guid token the attack surface would be lower.
  • A very simple pattern to follow, all config are stored with application Name (e.g secret/appName/config, etc)
  • The microservice would require some Restful call to Vault to consume data, may have dependency on vault library to consume it
  • DevOps or some scripts would still be required to put secrets in the correct place
  • Failure of Vault what happens? Service does not start

Source code at

Taswar Bhatti:
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