This is a repost of my old blog wanted to move the post over, since I used to use a lot of FreeBSD in my previous position, and still love the OS wanted to continue posting stuff about it.
In this little tutorial I will teach how to upgrade ports in FreeBSD
- Install and use cvsup to sync the ports collection
- Create / Copy the supfile and use portsdb to update the database INDEX.db
- Use portversion to find which all ports need upgrading
- Use portupgrade to upgrade those ports
- Use portaudit to find vulnerabilities
- Script and add to crontab to auto do things for you
1. First lets install cvsup-without-gui
cd /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui
make install clean
2. Now that cvsup is installed we need to create/copy the supfiles
cd /root
mkdir supfile; cd supfile
cp /usr/share/example/ports-supfile .
Now we need to edit the ports-supfile to get only the ports
Edit the lines
*default base=/var/db
*default base=/usr
Since my ports are installed on /usr/ports therefore I change base to /usr
For host one can change it to the one that is nearest you. Here is a list of cvsup server
Remember to check if ports-all is listed since you wish to update all the ports
## Ports Collection.
# The easiest way to get the ports tree is to use the "ports-all"
# mega-collection. It includes all of the individual "ports-*"
# collections,
Next use this command to update the ports tree
cvsup -g -L 2 ports-supfile
Now that the port tree is updated, lets update the ports database (the following commands assume you have installed portupgrade form /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade)
portsdb -Uu
This creates an INDEX.db btree file on your server
3. Lets try to find out which ports needs upgrading
portversion -l "
This will list out which ports need to be upgraded where the < sign means a new port exist.
Might show you something like
4. If we wish to upgrade php5 we would simply type
portupgrade php5
portupgrade -arR (for all installed ports to be upgrade)
5. One may also like to install portaudit to check installed packages for known vulnerabilities.
cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portaudit
make install clean
portaudit -Fda
This will list out all the ports that is installed and has vulnerabilities.
Affected package: freetype2-2.3.5
Type of problem: FreeType 2 -- Multiple Vulnerabilities.
So you might want to upgrade that package.
Now that we have done all of this maybe it would be a good idea to actually script all of this into one script and put it in a cron job maybe even email yourself the result everyday (email left for yourself to script )
6. Here is a quick script that we can use.
echo "Updating src"
echo "Updating ports"
echo "Update Db"
echo "Check for security vulnerabilities"
echo "The following ports need upgrading"
Add it to crontab
# every dat at 1:00 am
0 1 * * * /root/bin/ 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null