MVP TechBytes – Git Branch and Merge Strategy using Azure DevOps with Mohamed Radwan

MVP TechBytes

MVP TechBytes presents an in-depth guide to Git Branching and Merging Strategies using Azure DevOps. 💥

This session offers a comprehensive breakdown of GitFlow, Git Release branches, and various merge approaches. Gain insights into selecting the most suitable strategy through a live demonstration using Azure DevOps.

🔗 Twitter Handle: https://twitter.com/mradwan06
🔗 Blog: https://mohamedradwan.com/
🔗 Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MRadwanMSF
🔗 Addtional resources: https://github.com/MohamedRadwan-DevOps/devops-step-by-step


Git Branch and Merge Strategy using Azure DevOps

In this videos, I interviewed Mohammed Radwan, a principal DevOps consultant and a 12-year MVP for Azure DevOps and GitHub.

During the interview, Radwan provided an overview of Git, a distributed version control system that is hosted by Azure DevOps and GitHub. Git is the dominant and modern version control tool, allowing developers to collaborate, track changes, and manage releases efficiently.

Radwan also discussed the factors to consider when choosing a branch and merge strategy. The branch and merge strategy depends on the cadence, testing, and release strategies of the teams, as well as the practices and capabilities of the developers. There is no one best strategy, but rather the most suitable one for the context and goals.

One of the branch and merge strategies that Radwan explained and demonstrated is Git Flow. Git Flow is a branch and merge strategy that uses two long-lived branches (main and development) and three short-lived branches (feature, release, and hotfix). The video shows how to create, merge, and delete these branches using Azure DevOps and Git Bash.

There are other branch and merge strategies, such as trunk based development, feature based development, release flow, and GitHub flow. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and requires different levels of maturity and organization from the teams. Radwan recommends looking at all the factors and choosing the most appropriate one.

In conclusion, Radwan provided valuable insights into Git and branch and merge strategies, helping developers to make informed decisions and work more efficiently.

Categories: Azure
Tags: azuregit
Taswar Bhatti:
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