In my previous post I showed the basic syntax of jade when using express application in node.js, in this post I will go over the DataBinding aspects of jade template engine.

Jade Node.js Template Engine DataBinding through Interpolation

Jade provides interpolation of variables using the #{} syntax, Hash, Curly Brackets.
For example if we have a variable called name with a value of John, to display from our controller in Express Web Application in Node through jade, we will code it like

We can also declare a variable inside the jade file, using the dash and var (although the var is optional), as the example shows below one can also access an array or hashtable like syntax.


jade also provides a shortcut rather than using the interpolation syntax, by using just the “=” sign or by directly accessing the declared variables.

How to escape HTML

Sometimes we have to escape html in a string, even though jade prevents us from XSS, we may come across a situation we a using a wysiwyg editor, that requires non encoded text.
Jade allows us to escape html by using the “!” syntax, for both shortcut and non shortcut curly brackets syntax.

Hope you enjoy the series I will continue with our next blog with how to use filters and logic in Jade.