Taswar Bhatti
The synonyms of software simplicity
Archive: November 2017
elastic search

For the past year I have been evaluating and working and even presented ElasticSearch, and I thought it would be good to showcase a series of article on ElasticSearch for .NET Developers. What it brings to the table when developing a software solution. I also did a talk on ElasticSearch at Montreal DevTeach, if you […]


I had the opportunity to speak at satazureday Azure Saturday here in Ottawa last week, and went through the topic of Azure Key Vault. I also had a co-presenter to share the talk with; an upcoming public speaker Petrica Mihai. He created most of the slides and the demo code in C# 🙂 You can […]

Taswar Bhatti - Cloud Design Patterns

This week I gave a talk on Cloud Design Patterns at the Ottawa .NET Community. I wanted to share the sides here and will most likely write on articles on the topic using real world examples. Samples in C# and node.js, in AWS and Azure. For the talk I went through, what Cloud Design Patterns […]
