I wanted to blog about using C# with pkcs11 on SafeNet ProtectServer HSM for your encryption need. The library I intent to use is the Pkcs11 Interop library on GitHub. To being with we need to understand what an HSM is? In wikipedia we find this definition. So how does an HSM really look like? […]

One of the easiest cloud design pattern that one can try out is the Retry Pattern. I wanted to show how to use an Retry Pattern using Polly in C# as a example. So what does the Retry Pattern achieves? Problem Statement – What is the issue the pattern solves? When building applications you always […]

In this blog post I wanted to show how one can use C# or Python to view the serial numbers of a X509 certificate. The serial number can be used to identify the certificate that one plans to use in their C# application, lets say for mutual authentication to another service. Why use X509 Certificates […]

Redis GeoSpatial data sets are actually just SortedSets in Redis, there is no secret about it. Basically it provides an easy way to store geo spatial data like longitude/latitude coordinates into Redis.Lets look at some of the commands that Redis provides for Geo Spatial data. Redis Geo Datatype – Operations GEOADD: Adds or updates one […]

Redis Transactions Redis provides a way to do Transactions, but the transactions are somewhat different than what you know from a SQL Relational Database perspective. In SQL Relation Database world you can executed partially and then rolled back the entire transaction. While Redis uses the MULTI and EXEC commands where every command passed as part […]

Redis Pub Sub, somehow may sound weird that it provides such a functionality since when you think of Redis the first thing that comes to mind is of a cache key value store. But indeed Redis does allow us to use the messaging paradigm by using channels to publish messages and for subscribers to listen […]

Redis Sorted Sets are similar to Sets, with unique feature of values stored in Set called scores. The score is used in order to take the sorted set ordered, from the smallest to the greatest score. Just like in Sets, members are unique but scores can be repeated. Sorted Sets are ideal for storing index […]

In the second blog post series “Redis for .NET Developer” I will show how we will use C# to connect to Redis. If you want to learn how to install Redis, visit my previous post on Intro to Redis for .NET Developers – Installing Redis on Windows. We will be using StackExchange.Redis library to connect […]

What is Redis – Installing Redis on Windows Redis (REmote DIctionay Server) is a very popular open-source, networked, in-memory, key-value data store, sometimes referred to as a data structure server which also comes with optional durability. Redis is well known for high performance, flexibility, provides a rich set of data structures, and a simple straightforward […]