Taswar Bhatti
The synonyms of software simplicity
Category: C#
dotnet C#

From the C# documentation it states that the @ symbol is an Identifier. 2.4.2 Identifiers The prefix “@” enables the use of keywords as identifiers, which is useful when interfacing with other programming languages. The character @ is not actually part of the identifier, so the identifier might be seen in other languages as a […]


Was detecting a file stream if it was Unicode encoded or not, so though I would share the code. Let say you an xml file that you need to detect if it has the Unicode BOM in the file. If you wish to know more about BOM look it up at wikipedia

Hope that […]

dotnet C#

C# Func vs. Action? What is the difference between a Func vs an Action in C#? The main difference is whether one wants the delegate to return a value or not. By using Func it will expect the delegate to return a value and Action for no value (void) 1. Func for methods that return […]
