Taswar Bhatti
The synonyms of software simplicity
Tag: dotnet

Was detecting a file stream if it was Unicode encoded or not, so though I would share the code. Let say you an xml file that you need to detect if it has the Unicode BOM in the file. If you wish to know more about BOM look it up at wikipedia

Hope that […]

dotnet C#

Lots of developers confuse the var keyword in C# with JavaScript. The var keyword was introduced in C# 3.0, and it is basically implicitly defined but is statically defined, var are resolved at compile time not at run-time. The confusion is there also a var keyword in JavaScript, but in JavaScript var is dynamically defined. […]

dotnet C#

Here is a quick way to detect if a text is in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabic in C#. It is just an extension method that would detect if your string is in that range by using regex.

