In my previous post I showed the basic syntax of jade when using express application in node.js, in this post I will go over the DataBinding aspects of jade template engine. Jade Node.js Template Engine DataBinding through Interpolation Jade provides interpolation of variables using the #{} syntax, Hash, Curly Brackets. For example if we have […]

Jade Node.js Template Engine is a templating language for node.js, it provides an alternative syntax to write your HTML, some may say more pythonic or haml style. Jade by default comes with express web application framework for node.js, it is designed primarily for server side templating in node.js, and last but not least it is […]

Here is a quick little tutorial of using Twitter Bootstrap with Node.js express in Visual Studio. First we will create a ExpressBootstrap solution, select New Project and select JavaScript -> Blank Express Application. I will name my solution ExpressBootstrap, in my app.js I have also add the app.locals.appname = ‘Express Bootstrap’ so that I can […]