In this Learn Series I am going to write about the Sprout Method which is in the book “Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers“, all I have to say is what a great book if you don’t have it, you should pick it up asap. Sprout Method is a technique that one can […]

Today, I thought I would mention the Null Object design pattern, its an object that provides intelligent do nothing behavior, hiding the details from its collaborators. So what does this mean??? Before I tell you what it means, lets see an example of how often you might be seeing code that is checking for null. […]

Learn the Observer Pattern: I am starting to write a series of blog post which would be named “Learn {tagline}…..” In these series I would post things about design pattern, programming methodologies, skills etc etc For today, I will start with my favorite Design Pattern. The Observer Pattern. I would first state out what the […]