Thanks to everyone who came out last night at OttawaJS for the phantomjs talk, the slides are located at You can find the code in my github account. A recap of things we covered: Simple screencapture CoffeeScript with phantomjs Scraping hackernews and dzone site for links using webdriver to integrate with phantomjs (python […]

Have been giving eventmachine a try but I do have issues with it thus wanted to try out the beta version on github. Here is how you get it to install on your local machine. – First clone the repo – Build the gem – Install the java version
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$ git clone git:// $ cd eventmachine $ jruby -S gem build eventmachine.gemspec In this step you might be missing some gems, I was missing yard and rake-compiler $ jruby -S gem install yard $ jruby -S gem install rake-compiler $ /c/jruby-1.6.4/bin/rake java gem Once the build is done use the pkg version $ jruby -S gem install pkg/ |

What the ???? goliath ERROR: While executing gem. I was wanting to try out (Goliath: Non-blocking, Ruby 1.9 Web Server) for more info look at In any case I was not able to get it to install on JRuby so went and get me 1.9.2 MRI. Once installed MRI 1.9.2, I went into […]

In order to run Rubymine under a 64bit jvm one needs to run the IDE from the bat file. In the bat file which is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\RubyMine 3.1.1\bin add this line SET RUBYMINE_JDK=%ProgramFiles%/Java/jdk1.6.0_25 and remove the IF statements ::IF “%RUBYMINE_JDK%” == “” SET RUBYMINE_JDK=%JDK_HOME% ::IF “%RUBYMINE_JDK%” == “” goto error Run the […]