I wanted to start a series of blog post, maybe later include videos also on Azure OpenAI specifically for .NET Developers. Developers who use C# as their main languge of choice. The reason is I see lots of Python examples out there and felt a market was left out for most of the examples on […]

Some may wonder what is the difference between ValueTuple and Tuple that was released in C# 7, and you might say I have been using Tuples for a while now. Whats the difference? Some of you will remember with code like below that showcase the use of ValueTuple since .NET Framework 4.7
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public Tuple<string, string> GetUserName(int userid) { var firstname = db.GetFirstname(userid); var lastname = db.GetLastname(userid); return new Tuple(firstname, lastname); } |
In order […]

For the past year I have been evaluating and working and even presented ElasticSearch, and I thought it would be good to showcase a series of article on ElasticSearch for .NET Developers. What it brings to the table when developing a software solution. I also did a talk on ElasticSearch at Montreal DevTeach, if you […]

Last week I did a presentation on Xamarin Dev Days here in Ottawa, the presentation was on Introduction to Xamarin, unfortunately my demo did not work, the demo gods were not with me that day 🙁 The demo code uses Microsoft Cognitive Service Bing Search to search for images to display on a mobile phone. […]

Redis provides a way to use Pipeline Batching to send messages to Redis but first we must understand that Redis uses tcp request response protocol, some may know it as client server model. If you are coming from a web http world, you will have no issue understanding client server, where the browser acts like […]

Redis Pub Sub, somehow may sound weird that it provides such a functionality since when you think of Redis the first thing that comes to mind is of a cache key value store. But indeed Redis does allow us to use the messaging paradigm by using channels to publish messages and for subscribers to listen […]

Docker for .NET Developers Last week I was presenting at the Ottawa IT User Group for .NET Developers on Docker for .NET Developers. We covered what docker is, how it fits into microservices, overview of using docker as a .NET Developer etc Topics that we covered were What is Docker Images and Containers Docker vs […]

Redis HyperLogLog is used for calculating the cardinality of a set or non mathematically speaking it is a probabilistic data structure used to count unique values. Basically it is an algorithm that use randomization such that it can provide an approximation of the number of unique elements in a set by just using a constant […]

Json Web Token JWT have performance overhead? I wanted to find out if using jwt token during authentication of a web application creates any performance issue. But what are Jwt Tokens you may ask? JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information […]