In order to run Rubymine under a 64bit jvm one needs to run the IDE from the bat file. In the bat file which is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\RubyMine 3.1.1\bin add this line SET RUBYMINE_JDK=%ProgramFiles%/Java/jdk1.6.0_25 and remove the IF statements ::IF “%RUBYMINE_JDK%” == “” SET RUBYMINE_JDK=%JDK_HOME% ::IF “%RUBYMINE_JDK%” == “” goto error Run the […]

Thanks to everyone who came to Unit Testing with Mocking Framework at the code camp today, I will get those Typemock license to the 2 winners. Here is the code if anyone is interested Here is the presentation. Mocking a Unit Test Story on Prezi

Thanks to everyone who came out for the Ottawa .Net Community talk yesterday on WatiN , SpecFlow, BDD, WebDriver, I had a blast. I would like to thank everyone who came out for the talk. Here is my presentation WatiN – Web Application Testing on Prezi You can find the code on github Additional […]