I have been using WordPress for a very long time now, and have been happy with it. One down side of wordpress is you have lots of patches to apply, update plugins and running my own wordpress with all the security issues seem like such an old idea. Yes, of course you can choose to […]

One of the easiest cloud design pattern that one can try out is the Retry Pattern. I wanted to show how to use an Retry Pattern in Node.js using Promise as a example. So what does the Retry Pattern achieves? Problem Statement – What is the issue the pattern solves? When building applications you always […]

To continue on with our previous blog post, I will introduce Hashicorp Vault as a key management to manage our secrets for our Nodejs weather application. Installing Vault I will use docker to pull the docker image from dockerhub. Now that I have vault image pulled, I will create a docker compose file for Vault […]

In this post, we will continue our previous nodejs weather application and introduce Docker for NodeJS application using VSCode. We will build our application and host it in docker by adding a Dockerfile. We will modify our code to take the APIKEY from an environment variable. Create Dockerfile Let’s launch our editor VSCode again with […]

In this post I wanted to go through how do we create a Nodejs application with vscode. The application is yet another weather node app, it is an easy example and loosely based on this project (https://codeburst.io/build-a-weather-website-in-30-minutes-with-node-js-express-openweather-a317f904897b), the difference is that we will build upon it to a series of how do we store secrets […]

Using Grunt JavaScript Minification We will continue from our last blog post on Grunt: using less and css minification to JavaScript minification using a plugin called Uglify. JSHint To begin we will use a linting tool called jshint, to help us in taming our JavaScript with some static code analysis to flags suspicious usage. We […]