Redis List Datatype are similar in C# world as LinkeList e.g LinkedList. Just like in LinkedList in C#, Redis can store items at Head or Tail of a List. The nice thing about them is that the insertion speed is just O(1), but do note that if you have a large list, the reading speed […]

I wanted to cover some security aspect of Redis, using Redis Password feature. Redis uses config file to provide a password for it. The config file is usually located at /etc/redis/redis.conf if you are using linux. Look for the SECURITY section.
1 |
requirepass taswar-foobared |
If you are using docker you can set the option when you start […]

I wanted to go through the process of Redis running in AWS ElastiCache, since we have already covered Docker, Azure and plain vanilla Redis on Linux Server. Redis in AWS is under the umbrella of ElastiCache, where they offer Redis and Memcached. There are different type of nodes offered by AWS ElastiCache: Standard Memory Optimized […]

In this post I wanted to go through the process of Redis running in Azure. Redis in Azure is called Azure Redis Cache. Azure offers a secure access to a dedicated Redis cache, which allows you to connect from any Azure applications. There are certain tiers that are offered in Azure Redis: Basic Standard Premium […]

To get Redis running in Docker is quite easy. The windows installation follows but if you on the Linux platform, first you will need to install docker. Docker has very good documentation on how to get docker running on Linux. I personally use Ubuntu so would suggest you to give Ubuntu a try for Docker. […]

Redis Hash Datatype are similar in C# world as Dictionary e.g Dictionary<string, string>. Just like in C# redis stores map of attributes using key value pair. One thing to note is in Redis a Hash both the field name and the value are strings. Therefore, a Hash Datatype is a mapping of a string to […]

Continuing on with our Redis for .NET Developer, the Redis String Datatype is also used to store integers, float and other utility commands to manipulate strings. Redis String Datatype using Integers In Redis float and integers are represented by string. Redis parses the string value as an integer and the neat thing about them is […]

Continuing our series on Redis for .NET Developer, we will be looking into the basic string datatype that Redis provides. First to be clear, Redis is more than just a string cache or to store your serialized objects, it is a data structure server, but nevertheless the basic understanding of using strings in Redis will […]

In the second blog post series “Redis for .NET Developer” I will show how we will use C# to connect to Redis. If you want to learn how to install Redis, visit my previous post on Intro to Redis for .NET Developers – Installing Redis on Windows. We will be using StackExchange.Redis library to connect […]

What is Redis – Installing Redis on Windows Redis (REmote DIctionay Server) is a very popular open-source, networked, in-memory, key-value data store, sometimes referred to as a data structure server which also comes with optional durability. Redis is well known for high performance, flexibility, provides a rich set of data structures, and a simple straightforward […]