Taswar Bhatti
The synonyms of software simplicity
Tag: vscode

To continue on with our previous blog post, I will introduce Hashicorp Vault as a key management to manage our secrets for our Nodejs weather application. Installing Vault I will use docker to pull the docker image from dockerhub. Now that I have vault image pulled, I will create a docker compose file for Vault […]


In this post, we will continue our previous nodejs weather application and introduce Docker for NodeJS application using VSCode. We will build our application and host it in docker by adding a Dockerfile. We will modify our code to take the APIKEY from an environment variable. Create Dockerfile Let’s launch our editor VSCode again with […]


In this post I wanted to go through how do we create a Nodejs application with vscode. The application is yet another weather node app, it is an easy example and loosely based on this project (https://codeburst.io/build-a-weather-website-in-30-minutes-with-node-js-express-openweather-a317f904897b), the difference is that we will build upon it to a series of how do we store secrets […]


Below is a VSCode with Golang video on mine on channel9 that I recorded at Channel 9 Studio, Redmond at Microsoft Campus (Seattle). Its a short introduction of using VSCode with Go Lang and how to debug in go lang using VSCode. Hope you enjoy. Taswar


Visual Studio Code with Python Django I wanted to continue on my python exploration and show how to get started with Visual Studio Code with Python Django. What is Django you may ask ? Not the movie for sure. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built […]


Visual Studio Code with Python Flask I wanted to continue on my python exploration and show how to get started with Visual Studio Code with Python Flask. What is flask you may ask Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. And before you ask: It’s BSD licensed! Basically […]
