Taswar Bhatti
The synonyms of software simplicity
Category: javascript
Javascript quick tip debugger

Here is Javascript quick tip debugger for Javascript developers, there is a debugger statement in JavaScript, which invokes any available debugging functionality. e.g setting a break point, and if there is no debugging functionality available the statement has no effect. Let’s say you wish to debug a function

One could then add a debugger; […]


Here is another quick tip on creating modular JavaScript, namely function wrappers, or more technically called Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE). A self-invoking anonymous function runs automatically/immediately when you are create it, but don’t confuse it with document.ready or window.onload. The basic of IIFE is to use a wrapper so that it does not pollute the […]


Here is a quick tip for JavaScript falsy conditions for programmers or for people who come from Java or C#. In Java and C# when we thinks of using a compare conditions in a if statements, we tend to use something along the line of:

We tend to bring this baggage of knowledge to […]


Jade Node.js Template Engine, Filters & Mixins In my previous post I have talked about conditional statements inside of jade. In this post I will write about filters and mixins in jade template engine. Filters Filters in jade means something different from what you may know as filters like the ones in Angular.js. In Jade […]


Jade Node.js Template Engine, Conditional Logic Statements In my previous post I have talked about databinding with jade, i.e. feeding data to your template. In this post I will write about how one can use conditional and logical statements (for, if, while statements) in jade template engine. Ternary Operation The conditional ternary operator can be […]


In my previous post I showed the basic syntax of jade when using express application in node.js, in this post I will go over the DataBinding aspects of jade template engine. Jade Node.js Template Engine DataBinding through Interpolation Jade provides interpolation of variables using the #{} syntax, Hash, Curly Brackets. For example if we have […]


In my previous blog post I showed how one would install jade template engine for node.js and the terse markup that it provides. In this post I will continue on the jade and show the basic syntax of using jade template engine. Basic syntax of Jade Template Engine for Node.js As mentioned in earlier post, […]


Jade Node.js Template Engine is a templating language for node.js, it provides an alternative syntax to write your HTML, some may say more pythonic or haml style. Jade by default comes with express web application framework for node.js, it is designed primarily for server side templating in node.js, and last but not least it is […]


Continuing on our previous blog post on bower, in this blog post, I will talk about how to create your own front-end packages in bower. One thing I forgot to mention in the previous post is git is required when using bower. If you are using windows you can install git for windows or Mac/Unix/Linux. […]


In my previous post I have shown how to create an express app with node.js and in this post, I would like to introduce bower a package manager for front-end development. Bower is a package manager just like Nuget, where it gets confusing is that node already has a package manager called npm. The difference […]
