One of the easiest cloud design pattern that one can try out is the Retry Pattern. I wanted to show how to use an Retry Pattern in Node.js using Promise as a example. So what does the Retry Pattern achieves?
Problem Statement – What is the issue the pattern solves?
When building applications you always have some sort of outside/external service including another MicroService that you have to consume or call. Sometimes there could be momentary loss of network connectivity, or a temporary unavailability, or timeouts that occur when that service is busy. You may be calling a database or a restful service that may be busy and fail but if you try back again it will pass. These types of faults are usually self-correcting, and most of the time require some type of delay in calling it again, which will have a success response.
Retry Pattern
- Enable an application to handle transient failures
- When the applications tries to connect to a service or network resource
- By transparently retrying a failed operation
- Improves the stability of your application
Typical Application
Below is a typical application diagram, where you a service or web app.
But when the connection to the service fails we usually get an error on our application.
When to use Retry Pattern
- Use retry for only transient failure that is more than likely to resolve themselves quickly
- Match the retry policies with the application
- Otherwise use the circuit break pattern
When not to use Retry Pattern
- Don’t cause a chain reaction to all components
- For internal exceptions caused by business logic
- Log all retry attempts to the service
Sample Code
Below is a sample in node.js that shows the usage using Promise in Node.js. The code tries to call,408 with a POST which gives us a status of 200 or 408 randomly. First, lets create our code and add the package fetch into it.
$mkdir NodeRetryPattern $cd NodeRetryPattern $npm init $npm install node-fetch $touch index.js #launch vscode $code . |
Without Promise
We will write a sample application that will call the the web service without retry to get 408 errors.
I am just using a console logger but you should be using a proper logger when you do retry pattern.
const fetch = require('node-fetch'); fetch(",408").then(res => console.log(res.status)); |
After couple of runs you will see it response back with 408 RequestTimeout
> node .\index.js 408 > node .\index.js 408 > node .\index.js 408 > node .\index.js 200 |
Using Retry with Promise
Now we will introduce the retry pattern with using Promise into our code with an incremental delay of 1 second to 3 seconds and lastly 9 seconds.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const fetchWithRetry = (url, numberOfRetry) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let attempts = 1; const fetch_retry = (url, n) => { return fetch(url).then(res => { const status = res.status; if(status === 200) { return resolve(res); } else if (n === 1) { throw reject("Error in getting http data"); } else { console.log("Retry again: Got back " + status); console.log("With delay " + attempts * 3000); setTimeout(() => { attempts++; fetch_retry(url, n - 1); }, attempts * 3000); } }).catch(function (error) { if (n === 1) { reject(error) } else { setTimeout(() => { attempts++ fetch_retry(url, n - 1); }, attempts * 3000); } }); } return fetch_retry(url, numberOfRetry); }); } fetchWithRetry(",408", 3).then(x => console.log("Finally " + x.status)).catch(e => { console.log(e); }); |
Below you will see three runs of the application with sample output.
#First Run > node .\index.js Finally 200 #Second run > node .\index.js Retry again: Got back 408 With delay 3000 Finally 200 |
As you can see Retry Pattern is quite useful for transient and self correcting failure, not to mention it is quite simple to implement in NodeJS with the help of Promise.