I had a work workshop to attend in Austin Texas and though it would be fun to speak at a meetup group on Using Hashicorp Vault for your NodeJS. I tired the Microsoft group first but was not successful due to their schedule and mine. Fortunate for me the Austin NodeJS Meetup was perfect with […]

One of the easiest cloud design pattern that one can try out is the Retry Pattern. I wanted to show how to use an Retry Pattern in Node.js using Promise as a example. So what does the Retry Pattern achieves? Problem Statement – What is the issue the pattern solves? When building applications you always […]

To continue on with our previous blog post, I will introduce Hashicorp Vault as a key management to manage our secrets for our Nodejs weather application. Installing Vault I will use docker to pull the docker image from dockerhub. Now that I have vault image pulled, I will create a docker compose file for Vault […]

Yesterday I gave a talk on using ForwardJS conference here in Ottawa on Hashicorp Vault – Using Vault for your Nodejs Secrets. You can find the slides here on slideshare. Using Vault for your Nodejs Secrets from Taswar Bhatti, MVP Transcript: Using vault for your NodeJS Secrets Taswar Bhatti – Solutions Architect Gemalto Secrets • […]

In this post I wanted to go through how do we create a Nodejs application with vscode. The application is yet another weather node app, it is an easy example and loosely based on this project (https://codeburst.io/build-a-weather-website-in-30-minutes-with-node-js-express-openweather-a317f904897b), the difference is that we will build upon it to a series of how do we store secrets […]