I had a work workshop to attend in Austin Texas and though it would be fun to speak at a meetup group on Using Hashicorp Vault for your NodeJS. I tired the Microsoft group first but was not successful due to their schedule and mine. Fortunate for me the Austin NodeJS Meetup was perfect with […]

I had a talk on Getting productive with Python on Visual Studio 2019, at the Ottawa .NET User Group (https://www.meetup.com/ottawaitcommunity/events/259081628/). Thanks to all the people who came to the talk, I wish my demo worked properly unfortunately sometimes things just dont work 🙂 Nevertheless here are the slides for the talk. Get productive with python […]

On January 11 2019, I had the opportunity to speak at Toronto Microsoft Ignite Tour – 8 Cloud Design Patterns you ought to know. It was a great seeing that over 700+ people registered to my talk, it was pretty much full house session over 500+ attended. Unfortunately Microsoft did not record any session in […]
In November I went to Prague my first time and it was amazing being hosted by Update Conference there. Below you will find my presentation on 8 Cloud Design Patterns that I did for Update Conference In Prague, I wanted to give a special thanks for @tomasherceg and his team for creating such an awesome […]

In September I was invited to speak at the Ottawa Elastic Search Meetup Group at Kinaxis. It was great seeing new faces at the meetup, I spoke on Elastic Search Introduction so that new user group members can go through the entire stack of ElasticSearch, logstash and kibana. Hope to speak there some other time […]

Yesterday I gave a talk on using ForwardJS conference here in Ottawa on Hashicorp Vault – Using Vault for your Nodejs Secrets. You can find the slides here on slideshare. Using Vault for your Nodejs Secrets from Taswar Bhatti, MVP Transcript: Using vault for your NodeJS Secrets Taswar Bhatti – Solutions Architect Gemalto Secrets • […]

Wanted to share my DevTeach Montreal 2017 talk where I talked about OAuth and OpenId Connect. The types of OAuth Grants, how to consume them, the flows in OAuth and what OpenId Connect comes into play, what does it solve. Hope you like the presentation and if you are interested in more security topics, ping […]

Wanted to share my DevTeach talk slides on Elastic Search. Where I went into introducing the Elastic Stack. Consisting of Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana. I also went into the constraints that we had and the design approaches that we took. Hope you enjoy and expect more ElasticSearch blogs this year 🙂 Devteach 2017 Store […]